Tommorows Promise
This speech is about schools of the year 2000. I think the schools are going to be fun. The kjds will be learning what we didn't learn. The gym will have new games and the gym will be bigger. The music will have different notes and the kids will make songs theirselves. The library will have thicker books for ages 6 to 20. The problems the kids will have is forgetting work, getting wrong answers, and getting sick all the time. The kids will buy bigger bookbags so they can take all their books home.
Will the teachers be robots or real? How long will schools be? 6 hours, 1 hour, 4 hours? Willl schools be on Sat and Sun? Will schools run all year? Will all the teachers be men? Here are some questions and what other kids will know. PLus in the cafeteria will the kids throw food on the floor? Will they put corn and spaghetti together and what will they call it?
Probably the report card will have
Q for quick
R for receiving
S for starting
T for terrible
U for unable
Will the school teach by T.V> or Radio? Will words on tests be I see you cat dog bird. How many words will there be 1 or 200? Will the desks and chairs be automatic like push a button and the desks and chairs come whirling, dancing, and spinning like a ballerina waiter. The chairs will probably be made of granite and marble.
Will schools start for the age of 8? End for 89? Instead of desks and chairs will they work in beds. Will the schools be made of canvas?
Thank you for attending P.T.A.
At least it was imaginative. Canvas schools with dancing granite chairs? Who thinks that stuff up... without the aid of hallucinogens? You've been creative forever - that's kind of cool to see.